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Trying to get organized for family trips can be a real pain and
cause a lot of worry. You’re right to be worrying because forgetting one
important document or item could cost you a lot of money.
Certain documents such as travel insurance are vital as without them a claim can’t be made until one gets back from vacation. Other things like a special skin cream or medicine can be hard or impossible to replace on vacation, this can cause real problems.
So good planning, organizing and having a family travel checklist is really advisable to make sure nothing important is left behind. It seems to be the case that something will always be left behind so try and make sure it isn’t the most important stuff by having a comprehensive checklist.
A good way to get started is to think of all of absolute essentials that you couldn’t do without. This usually comes under things that are mostly irreplaceable, and must be taken with you. Passports, visas, money, credit cards and insurance documents fall in to this category. Forgetting any one of these can cause large problems.
Without passports a family can’t travel internationally and without cash or credit cards one does not have any emergency money to replace any forgotten items.
Now that the absolute essentials have been covered here is a more extensive family trip checklist to help you get organized for family travel:
Getting your house organized is a big consideration!
• Obviously the first thing you do when packing is look for clothing to take. It is advisable to pack for the climate of your destination, but also to take some “safety” clothing as well. For example if you are going to a hot destination take a rain coat or a jumper in case there is a cold day.
• Then go onto less essential items like sun screen, sun glasses, sandals, fishing equipment, books, laptops etc. Basically all the items that you would like on your holiday but are largely replaceable or can be survived without.
• You may also need to take with you some additional extras like a scissors (make sure you pack them in check-in luggage or they will be seized) or other practical tools depending on the type of trip that one has planned.
Should you bring your own car seat? Read out article about the advantages and disadvantages of both. Read it here!
If you have a baby once you arrive you will need to baby proof your hotel room. Get your supplies ready by reading this article.
Make sure you get your child a Fly it Quiet Travel Activity pack- Download it here!
That is basically it, it’s just about mapping out your essentials, then your desirables and also any additional practical things you need that should be taken with you. It doesn’t seem so stressful and endless now it has been put into a small list, so go and create your own custom checklist and have a great trip.
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