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What do you picture in your mind when you hear the words 'road trip!'? Do images of hilly landscapes flying by and singing songs in the car together flood your memory?
Or, is it more like constant stopping and yelling and 'are we there yet?' choruses breaking out in your mind?
To be sure, road trips taken as a family can be fun and leave all with pleasant memories. If not planned well, however it may be a bumpy ride leaving everyone wishing they had never left home.
How can you plan a successful road trip that will leave each one feeling refreshed and looking forward to the next one? Preparation is the key.
Taking a road trip with your kids is an excellent way to spend time together as a family.
Good family ties are made stronger and fond new memories will be made. To have a relaxing vacation, and one all will enjoy, have a plan. It always helps to have a list of things that you will need.
During planning, it is important to give your children something to do during the long drive ahead. Older ones, for example may appreciate a video game or two.
Renting a new game before a long trip can keep older children from complaining of boredom. For younger ones, bring along a DVD player and some movies that can keep them occupied. Most families want to enjoy the time they have together, so if you are looking for more interactive activities, why not play some games.
A few examples are 'I spy' or the license plate game. This keeps the whole family involved and will pass the time with fewer complaints. Read our page with lots of car games for kids here!
Packing sufficient snacks and drinks can quell a random barrage of 'I'm hungry' or 'I'm thirsty, can we stop?' questions. Of course stopping at regular intervals is a good idea as no one really likes to be stuck in a car for hours with no break.
Fly it quiet activity packs are a great tool to keep kids occupied in the car packed with games and activities your kids will be kept occupied and learning!
Road trips with the family is a great way to have fun and be together.
It is easy on the family budget too. Children grow up fast, so take advantage of the times you have together. Create fun memories and grow closer as a family. With some good planning and preparation, your road trip will be a great success!
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